Meeting your legal obligations as an employer is not easy with constant change and a world of technical jargon.
Don’t panic; we’re here to support you with:
Employment Classification
Employment Contracts
Award Benchmarking
HR Policies and Procedures
As your business grows, so does your workforce.
HR management becomes increasingly time-consuming and you’re not sure how to prioritize. Don’t worry; we are your port of call for:
Workforce Planning
Job Design and Redesign
As an employer, you’re keen to see your employees perform at their level best as you provide a conducive work environment. In this case, ongoing training is essential.
Don’t stress; we have extensive experience with:
Improving Employee Engagement
Performance Review Systems
Training and Development
Sometimes things don’t go well in your business and you don’t know who to turn to. Employee issues can be stressful especially when you don’t understand the legislation.
Don’t sweat; we help you work through: