Promoting Wellness at Work
Recently, one of our team members was shocked when we reached out to ask about their welfare. This particular team member was expecting a negative reaction from management about an incident that almost cost the business a client. Something was off and it showed in the way they were interacting with clients. Instead of asking about the unpleasant incident with a client, we chose to conduct a wellness check because the supervisor noticed a change in their behavior and performance.
It is important to ensure that the organization’s culture helps employers with the early detection of wellness issues which inevitably affect performance in the long run. The following are some of the things that employers can do:
- Open Communication:Encouraging open communication within the organization will ensure that employees feel safe to share any personal or work-related matters that affect their well-being or performance at work. Do not react when things go wrong but always seek to understand the situation.
- Regular Wellness Checks:Weekly or bi-weekly wellness checks especially for remote workers help to create rapport hence employees can get comfortable sharing their challenges.
- Listen! Listen! Listen!: Most of us think we are good listeners while in a real sense, we are formulating an answer or getting ready to offer unsolicited advice or help. The key is to focus on the other person’s words and even body language while seeking clarification where necessary. Listening also involves asking what kind of help others need as people are different.
- Performance Tracking: Tracking performance is a way to ensure productivity and can also be a useful indicator of employee wellness. When employees are not well their performance will suffer.Performance review discussions are a conversation starter!They can be good avenues to discuss any underlying issues that could affect your teams’ performance.
- Periodic Employee Wellness Training: Organizing training where experts talk to employees about wellness and ways of coping with stress is crucial in equipping them to be able to face obstacles. This also shows employees that their employer cares and also enhances the employer brand.
- Providing Medical Cover:This ensures that employees can seek professional help hence ensuring that the organization has a healthy workforce.
The unpredictable nature of life can sometimes lead to stress and this will harm an employee’s performance. Human beings are affected by everything that happens around them. Creating a healthy workplace where employees are free to express themselves within reasonable boundaries plays a big role in promoting employee wellness.Business owners should also keep in mind that a good work environment benefits the employer because the culture at work affects them as well.